When I first heard this song I looked at myself.. foreal & really, truly realised how things are laid out for me. There's this saying about how you shouldnt really harp on what other people say or do because "what they eat don't make you sh*t". When you digest that properly and let it sink in you will realise how small minded you are acting when you focus more on other people than yourself. I feel like tomorow is not promised so you should live each day as though your last, but at the same time be cautious of the reactions to your actions. This song was my anthem during a period in my last year of high school and I think this song is relevant to the point I'm trying to get across.
I think the song is trying to say live your life the way you want to live it and never regreat what happened in the past and move forward in life. Another thing I think there trying to put out there how if you have alot of money then use it the way you want to use it and be careful were and when use spend it.
ReplyDeleteJust live your life. You dont have to worry about the negative things in life that may cause you to second guess your self.
ReplyDeleteThis song is saying to me live your life and dont worry about the judgements of others also dont worry about what other people is doing just worry about yourself and do what you have to do
ReplyDeletethe song is basically saying just dod what you do and live a positive good life.dont worry about unimportant things just focus on the good