Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Social Class

What effects on people does social class have in different countries around the world?


  1. I think social class has a fairly big impact on society today. Everyone wants to be in a high social class and that's why we are here today writing on this blog. We all want to get a college degree, get a good job and a high income making our social status higher. Social class will always has had a impact on society and always will. Luckly today social class isn't nearly as important in as it once was, well atleast in America. Although it does happens odds are you won't get rejected from a college or not hired for a job due to social class alone.

  2. Being in america, I realize that social classes tend to have a great effect on people lives. I've never been to another country, but I'd like to believe that the probably have the same effects on them as americans.

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  4. Social class effects almost every country around the world. The main factor, in most cases, of what social class you are in is how much money you or your family makes. the less money you have, the lower you are in the social class "chain." often times people in lower social classes are not treated as well as people in a higher social class. also religion has a factor in some countries on what social class you are. the only experience i have with this would be things i have seen in movies or on the news because this is more commonly found in other countries. but both of these forms both effect people the same by cause people to have to split up and stick with a group of people near the same social class as them.

  5. Well for the most part I would say that all low class people are in the same boat. Except in America usually people who are in low class situations just don't have good income. Though in different countries poverty in the low class is more brutal and cold.

  6. Mostly everyone wants to make it big and wants to be well known in America, but I've never been out of the country so maybe they learn in diffent way but I think the mojority of people are more determand to get or learn what the want maybe its hard for them as well from there rules they have...but I dont know really so I'll leave it as that...

  7. I Feel its hard trying to find a job because everyone is always getting fired or no one is ever hiring. i feel like going to school is the only great way to get a job or find a job and having a degree can plan your whole future.

  8. I believe social class effects every one mainly all low income people they are treated different do to the fact of how much money they make people with high income clearly is treated a different way and there to much not effected much its more ilk high school or something nerds with the nerds and then you have the cool people witch is more like plug so different benefits its all like grouped up

  9. i think people from different countries feel differently about their social class. some people are happy about it and others are upset. i would think that they would be upset about being in a class that was bad. how would you feel if u were in a low social class?

  10. Social class has a lot of different effects on the world today, and it still leaves many parts segregated. I personally feel like their shouldn't be a social class. That way all the hate in the world would most likely fall into non-existance beacause every one would be in the same boat financially.

  11. Speaking from what I know, social classes have a huge impact on people around the world. From appearance to class identification or even on an intellectual scale. In America only the strong hearted survive and get noticed regardless of whatever anyone else has to say. Unfortunately there are very few (like myself). lbds
