Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Moving on in life

In the book True Notebooks, these young guys have endured a lot of problems in life. To them they feel like they have failed, and are worthless at times. I know sometimes in life we may feel like we have failed at things, making us loose hope. What do you do to not loose complete hope and to strive to keep going in life, what do you tell yourself to say motivated and positive about bad situations?


  1. One of the things I try to do is escape like how the boys do with there writing. I start to play music and start to write new songs and sooner or later I gain a positive attitude again. I also do this with video games. I play video games and get my mind off things for a while and that gives me time to gain a positive attitude.

  2. I don't really do too much. for example if i didn't do well on something i will feel bad about but just tell myself that i need to try harder. then after i will just try to forget about it or not let it bother me and ill go do something that i know i will do well in. if it is important enough, such as a class or something, i will try to get help or study. whatever i can do to make me feel more confident that i will be able to succeed next time and to keep thinking positively.

  3. Idk really...... like during this bridge program I had so many problems I just try to do whats right i know that school is the best thing I dont think about the bad stuation I ignore all my problems and make it seems like it never happen

  4. In bad situations, the best thing I do is pray and just think after this bad situations over. Another good situation is soon to follow. I always been a firm believer in just staying dedicated, even threw all the madness. Just keep on trying and going at it until I accomplish my goal. Staying positive threw worst of times should help see you threw.

  5. What I do to not lose hope is remember that God has a plan already set for me. If he brough me to it, he can get me through it. Foreal so I will NEVER give up and I will encourage those who are in a bad place because most times thats all people really need, is to be told that no matter how bad shit is looking, it WILL get better.

  6. To not lose hope I usually just think of the harder situations I've been. " isnt that could've been worst." I tell myself that and believe that I can rectify the situation if I just remain optimistic and keep cool!

  7. TO escape my troubles I usually get a pen some paper and write it all down. Then go to the studio and record. When things arent goin so well for me I often lik to look at the situation and tell myself it has to get worse before it can get better just keep at it. By telling my self that it resures me that things might be kind of iffy now but in the end everything will be alright and work out for the better.

  8. I am a runner. I didn't used to be. But I know sometimes when work and school and personal problems all seem to be going at my throat at once, I put on my shoes and run. I have to say I'm not the fastest, I don't run the longest, and I am far from an "athlete." But just being able to move my body forward and run out of breath makes me feel better. And sometimes it doesn't even make me feel better in the end, I just wear myself out.

    The best moments are when I'm running and everything bothering me seems to go away. Instead I'm just thankful to be given the opportunity to run where and when I want. I recently read an article in Runner's World about women in Congo (yeah, it made me cry). You can find it here:,7124,s6-243-297--13575-0,00.html). These women were raped, their families murdered, their homes destroyed, yet upon finding out that women were raped everywhere, even the US, they wanted to do a mile run to help bring awareness to the cause. They thought it was amazing they could run a mile and help others, and they wished they could do it everyday. It made me realize how privileged I am to be able to teach and think and write and run. It made me appreciate, even more, the freedom I have.

  9. i hope not to lose my sanity and my will to do better in school. i recently gained the power and will to do a good job in college and i dont want to lose that power that i managed to obtain!!!! i wont lose that love that got!!
