Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What do you think?

Throughout the graphic novel "Persepolis" we've watched Marjane grow up over the years. We've seen her conquer many trials and obstacles but she turned out alright. In the book she changed as she grew up which is completely natural, but her appearance was altered because of what people thought of her and what she thought of herself. What did you think of yourself before bridge...and what do you think of yourself now?...


  1. Before bridge I thought of myself as someone who knew everythings and didnt need help. I thought this program was a complete waste of my time and that I would breeze through it without putting forth any effort like I did throughout highschool. I figured I'd try when classes start in the fall. I learned that I was wrong. Bridge helped refresh me on alot of things I already learned and forgot I knew. It also helped me to become more organized and to stop procrastinating. I feel like bridge has had a positive influence on my life and I think everyone feels the same way.

  2. befor the bridge, i thought that i was a high school student that was ready for the college life and i thought i was ready for the real world. the bridge program just ensured me of this reality. i am ready for college level work, i am ready for all college has to offer me. this is my future life. i am absolutely ready for it!!!

  3. i think i have gain a lot of confidence in myself. before the bridge program the idea that i would be reasonable for all my work and that i would be working at a college level was pretty intimidating, to say the least. the bridge has really given me a good idea of what college will be like and i have gain some valuable skills such as managing my time carefully to get my work done on time. so now i see myself very much prepared for college and i cant wait to start.

  4. I honestly thought, that I was going to get kicked out of bridge. I think thats why I tried so hard. Because I was definetly on pins and needles the whole time. Although, I did party and play around alot in the dorms. I still always kept in mind that, at a moments notice I could be voted off the island ( or in this case, the bridge). So I tried my best to conquer my goal of getting into Columbia. Before the bridge program, I think that I was alot more laid back. I think since moving down here and getting an feel of the city. I think Ive become more motivated and I also believe that Ive become more of an outgoing person because of the move.

  5. I dont know what i thought of myself before bridge. Now i think that i am college ready. So i guess you can say i wasnt so sure if i was really ready to go to college. I feel this bridge have really made me focus and gave me a heads up what i would be look foward too. I see myself more focus and organized.

  6. Man, before the Bridge program, as far as how my attitude was about school, I didn't give a f*. It took me to deeply look inside myself and evaluate whats important for my life and not just whats good for me at the moment. So having the oppertununity of attending the school of my choice before having to dive in oblivious to my surroundings and what I was in for, has been a priceless experience. My mental capacity has been maxed out with altered floorplans on how I will construct my new life. As long as I stick to my plan, I will be fine regardless of any test of my character.

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  9. coming into the program I was pretty confident in myself, and i knew I had what it took to succeed with any challenge thrown my direction. I have tried to stay positive about everything. I have experienced many problems outside of the Bridge Program, I tried not to allow that play any part in my performance here. Me being able to do so I feel like I have surprised myself, with what I have done. I feel stronger as a person, "I feel big, not like in a sense of weight; but more like colossal".-Lil Wayne

  10. Before bridge I wasnt so sure of myself, not that I was doubting myself I just wasnt to sure what think. Though in the back of my mind I knew that I could do it I just needed to apply myself and stay focused. Know I am positive that I will be able to work through the school year and end well
